Today I had a fun (and cold) photo shoot with Presley and Stella. The girls did a great job especially considering that it was only 12 degrees outside today! Go to Tara's blog and check out the pics.
December 30
Elliott's front teeth are coming in and he keeps playing with his tounge like this. I think they'll pop through any day now. Perhaps then he'll put his tounge back in his mouth...
December 28
Sylvia got a Cricut Expression for Christmas this year, and Amber came over to Kristin's house to give us all a tutorial on how to properly use it. Amber is an awesome teacher. We learned tons. After, we all enjoyed a yummy lunch at Kneaders. I LOVE their asiago bisque soup!!
December 25
Wow, I can't believe we've spent 2 Christmas's as a family of four! This year has flown by!! Merry Christmas to you all!
December 24
It was only for a couple hours, but we were ALL together for Christmas! All my siblings and thier spouses and their children gathered at my parents house tonight on Christmas Eve. We had a smorgasboard of food that included Chick-fil-A chicken nuggets, shrimp, chocolate mousse and much, much more :) My mom prepared a small kid-friendly activity about the true meaning of Christmas and then the kids ripped into their gifts. I think the favorite was Trumans gift of 100 balls (like the ball pit kind of balls). The evening turned into a ball throwing free-for-all. It was a great night and I'm so happy were were all able to be together!
photo: Presley, Elliott, Stella, Jonas, Lincoln, Truman
photo: Presley, Elliott, Stella, Jonas, Lincoln, Truman
December 23
For Christmas Eve, Eve we went to see the lights at Temple Square. They were SO pretty, but it was SO crowded and SO cold that we only stayed out a few minutes. We took some photos to prove we were there and got back in our warm cars and drove back home :/
December 22
Truman is getting so big (and completely adorable!). He's playing a rousing game of peek-a-boo in this pic. His favorite thing ever though is basket ball! Such a cutie.
December 20
Well, today was a day I don't need to repeat again, ever! This photo was taken before Jonas pooped out of 2 outfits (going through both his and Elliotts 'extra' outfits for the trip...(umm... on the first flight!)). J aslo barfed big time at T.G.I. Fridays at DFW during our layover. And E tossed his cookies all over Kim's car all the way up the canyon to my parents house. Poor little guys! at least we're here!! We made it to UT!
December 19
Matt's pouting because he hates it when I take random photos of him. I was also trying to encourage him to start packing! We leave for UT in the morning!!!
p.s. Happy 35th wedding anniversary Mom & Dad!
December 18
I love that Jonas & Elliott have 'discovered' each other. They will play and interact with each other and it makes me so happy! Jonas can be a bit of a bully at times (by hogging the toys and/or stealing the one Elliott is playing), but Elliott doesn't fuss too much, he'll just move on to the next toy.
December 17
My boys are such troopers! I have been running around ALL day getting last minute items and errands so we can pack up and head to UT for Christmas! I can't wait to see all my UT friends and family! Just look at this little guy, SO sweet :)
December 16
We took the boys to meet Santa this evening. They were SO good! No crying at all! They weren't particularly too excited either though... This Santa was great! He was at the Bass Pro Shop at Concord Mills. We will definitely go back next year.
December 15
Wow! Today I had shot the cutest photos ever at this Christmas tree lot! Leland did amazing! And Kendall was SO kind to let/help me snap a few of my boys as well.
December 14
I feel just like these balloons. I've been going non-stop since before Thanksgiving, and unfortunately there is still MUCH to do before Christmas. I didn't have much time to get the party stuff cleaned up before our trip to FL, so I only did the absolute essentials (food and dishes and such). The decorations all stayed up while we were gone. Ok, 'nuf time blogging... back to work!
p.s. Happy birthday Camille!
December 13
Matt's Nanny lived a very full life. She had 5 children, many grandchildren, many great grandchildren and even had 5 great, great grandchildren. I'm glad that we were able to bring the boys down to meet her in the summer before she passed away. She was a beautiful lady and I'm sure she's very happy to be reunited with her husband in heaven.
December 12
What better way to break in the new car seats than a road trip? Whew, yesterday was crazy with the boys party and the KBM Christmas party and today we are all piling in the car and heading down to FL. It's a super quick trip for Matt's Nanny's funeral. I think I might be able to squeeze in a visit with my aunt, uncle and cousin too. No rest for the weary, here we go!
December 11
Happy birthday to my beautiful boys!
I can't believe how you've grown! You've come a long way since last year.
To celebrate we threw a big party complete with 2 cakes, lots of food, balloons and lots of friends. The boys thoroughly enjoyed their cupcakes (especially Elliott) and ripping into all the presents. Thanks to you all for making their big day special!
December 10
With the time change and the boys getting up so early I get to catch a few of these incredible sunrises. SO pretty.
December 9
The upstairs hallway makes for a great giant play pen for the boys. I shut all the doors (sometimes I forget...) and close the gate at the top of the stairs and they have a huge area to play that I can see from almost anywhere downstairs.
December 8
This week I've scheduled a little time each day to work on the boys birthday cake and party. Today my scheduled task was carving the birthday cake. Look at the mountain of excess cake I carved away... Can anyone say 'cake balls'???
December 7
Sorry for another highchair pic. It seems as if we spend all of our time here...
Every time they are in the highchair, the boys find eachothers hands and hold hands for a bit. It's SO adorable!
December 4
Mmm... I made these cupcakes for my friend's little guy's 1st birthday. They are my 'usual' white cake with whipped butter cream. My friend requested turquoise frosting because that's what color Leland's room is. I threw on the chocolate jimmies for a little contrast. Aren't they cute?
December 3
Oh! I am just in love with this pic!!
We've got the tree up, next comes the decorating. I LOVE Christmas!!
December 2
I think I could just sit and watch my babies sleep all day. There is nothing that can even compare! I feel so content and happy to have these two crazy boys in my life.
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