Today was my first wedding since the boys were born. This is the giant chandelier in the lobby of the Westin downtown Charlotte. I had a few minutes while I waited for the groom and groomsmen to arrive. It was a great wedding, minus the rain that pulled the outdoor ceremony inside :(
Good grub! We spent the evening with some friends celebrating a belated birthday. Thank you Nathan for the great food and thank you Stephanie for getting older so we could have a chance to celebrate :)
An unwelcomed guest was trying to make a home in my front entry. Don't worry, I quickly stopped his homemaking and 'took care' of this guest. I REALLY hate spiders and bugs and creepy crawly things - especially when they are in my house!
Lunch with Stephanie! She's an awesome friend and a fellow photo-a-day-er (her stuff is here). It's nice to spend Tax Day chillin' and hanging out with friends, knowing that your refund is already tucked safely away in your bank account :)
Jonas has learned a new trick. He will lay flat on his back with his feet straight up in the air. he isn't grabbing his toes yet, but I think it won't be too long til he does.
Nothing like an 8 am dental appointment to get you going in the morning. I'm actually feeling much better. I needed to get a filling fixed, so yes there was drilling, but my mouth is much happier now.
Elliott looks just like his daddy, but Jonas looks just like his cousin Audrey ( see here, here, here, here and here, oh, and here. um, and here). Miss Audrey is 1 year and 1 month older than my boys. Funny enough Audrey and her momma and me and my boys recovered in the same room at the hospital room right after they were all born (but it was a pretty small hospital, so it wasn't that big of a coincidence).
Done! Well, except for bringing the grill and table and chairs back up on the deck. Maybe Matt cane help me do that tomorrow. (How come I can sand and stain the deck but I can't clean and organize my office...???).