November 10

What a day!  This little guy caused me quite a bit of grief today...  Well, this is the replacement, so I'm sorry I take it back.  I had a super early morning shoot down in Charlotte.  The boys and I had to leave the house by 6:45 am.  I got us all up and ready to go and in the car, however, the car wasn't on board.  Luckily, Matt hadn't quite left for work so he helped me jump start the car.  I drove the hour to Matt's parents house with the cars electronic feature flickering all the way.  A little scary, but we made it.  I barely made it to the school I was shooting at in time.  The shoot went wonderfully, but I needed another jump to get my memory card to the office.  There at the office, I needed another jump, but the car wasn't cooperating.  Finally, we got it started and I was finally able to get to the repair shop to see about the battery (or was it the alternator...?  or the starter...?  or something worse...?).  After 2 hours it was decided that it was just the battery.  Luckily, the battery was still under warranty, so all I had to pay was $16 to have it put in.  The problems could have been way worse, but I'm just happy that today is over.

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